Monday, December 31, 2012

Love on my lunch break

I may have met my soulmate on my lunch break
The encounters in this city happen frequently, on the train, in a taxi, on a corner, walking down the street, and sometimes on your lunch break.
Today I ran home real quick on my lunch break, I forgot that I was playing Santa after work, delivering gifts to the little munchkins I used to nanny for. So I ran home real quick, I was making a steady path down the sidewalk and I was doing my mom speedwalk at the mall when I realized someone was coming towards me from the other way. I looked up and started gauging when I was going to have to move out of his way, you see he was actually running, unlike my speedwalk and I didn't really want to be mowed down. So as we approached one another, I moved to the left, so he could go past, well it seemed that he had the same idea. So there we both stood, on the left side, with a tree in between us waiting for the other to go past, when we realized what we had both done, we peaked around the tree, and said go ahead at the same time. We shared a laugh, and he spoke and said, "thank you, but really, go ahead. "As he smiled. I smiled back and said "thank you." And walked away with a smile on my face.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Monday in New York

Sometimes I wonder about New York. It really is like people say. One day you love it the next you hate it. Well just when I thought it was going to be one of the latter days I was pleasantly surprised. There I was on the crowded train, with my coffee in one hand and my bagel bag clenched alongside it, praying I maintained enough balance not to spill on anyone. I made it through the first stop, fine, no problem. Onto the next one. Well I stilled myself and tried to be as little as possible. Well it almost worked, until the mob moved and my bagel bag was swiftly removed from my grip. I saw it kicked once, but miraculously stayed in the bag. I thought of venturing to bend down to pick it up but then thought that I would rather not start my Monday off by being kicked in the head. So I soothed myself by reminding myself that I still had my coffee. And then miracle of miracles, a girl in the front of the mob seemed to box out the whole crowd, causing them to pause as she bent and picked up my bagel bag. And then handed it to me. It was simple enough, but sometimes a kind gesture brings you to tears. And this one did. I said thank you so much. She smiled and got off the train and the mob continued on their way. But somehow, no one seemed quite that bothered by the pause. Lucky for me

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Therapy session

Sitting on the platform, waiting for the train. This man comes up to me, "Do you ever have those experiences where you are talking to someone on a train and you think its going somewhere and then someone else just interrupts?"  He looked at me, expecting an answer, I didn't know what to say, "No, I don't, but I'm really sorry that happened to you." "Yeah, me too," he said, as he walked away.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Nice shoes

It's the morning, and there's not enough coffee in the world to make NY commuters happy people before 10. Everyone in a rush to get to where they're going, avoiding eye contact while packed into subway cars like sardines.  I looked at the girl I was standing in front of, a bit on the gothic side, I looked down, avoiding eye contact as well, but she looked like she was on the verge of tears, I tapped her knee as I exited the train and said "Awesome shoes" She smiled, a beautiful smile and said "thank you."  If only we made more eye contact instead of avoided it, but sometimes the Lord provides an opening... even on the floor of a subway car.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Irish accent

The Irish accent, it made me close my eyes and listen intently, dreaming of a time when I slept in a castle.  Missing my stop altogether.


As we passed on the street, she looked up at me from behind her butterfly mask, and I could just imagine how that conversation went.
"but mom, I want to be a butterfly today." And rather than fight it, the mom gave into her daughters whimsical side for the day. But all I saw was a little girl hiding from the world and wished that it was acceptable some days to wear my own proverbial mask and hide from the world as well.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hope on a subway car

The homeless woman on the subway smiled at me, I smiled back. But she touched my heart as she moved, with all her worldly belongings so that the pregnant woman that entered the train could sit instead.

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed

You know how they say "never go to bed angry." I think that should be applied to the morning as well "don't wake up angry." As I saw this woman stop in the middle of the sidewalk to get her tirade out on the phone I just shook my head and felt pity for what ever she was dealing with before 9am. No one should wake up that angry.

Monday, December 3, 2012


In the morning, we all press on, squeezing ourselves into the smallest spaces of the subway car. And I look around and half the people are doing this, whether they are really sleepy or not, who knows. But they are all closing their eyes. I feel like you are only truly tired enough to fall asleep on the train at the end of the day. To me it seems like we never really grow out of the "if we close our eyes, everything else isn't really happening" stage. It's a little kid reflex, when something bad is happening, they close their eyes or if they want to avoid something bad, they cover their eyes. It's the same for adults in New York on morning subway trains, they all close their eyes and pretend that they aren't all squished in like sardines, like they aren't closer to the stranger to their right than they were with their husband in bed that morning. They close their eyes and pretend to be any where else than that uncomfortable situation, just as a child would. So, do we ever grow up? Or out of those habits that are "childlike" ? I don't know, I'm not quite sure, but I can tell you I like seeing these habits take form if even for a moment and I like remembering my childlike nature is still at the core of the things that I do.

Do you wonder

What people see when they look at you? Do you ever think about that?

People stare all the time, I know I've been guilty of it. And in my head I know why I'm staring. Mostly it's because I see something I like, a hairstyle, a lipstick color, a necklace, shoes whatever. And usually if I'm close enough ill say something to the person. Usually they'll have looked up, you know because of that weird feeling you get when you can feel someone's eyes on you.

So when I get that feeling and I look up and see someone glancing at me, I constantly want to ask, what is it? What do you see? What are you looking at? Do I have my breakfast still stuck in my teeth? Did I forget to put makeup on one of my eyes? What is it? I'm just curious. Which is why when I get caught staring I usually say something because who doesn't want to hear nice things about themselves? Or even cautionary things? So my charge to you, if you see something, and you think it's pretty/spectacular/beautiful/cool/insert adjective, unless it's cruel to say, say it! You only get one life, make connections, brighten someone's day.


Humans of New York

"People are interested in strangers, they're just afraid. But they'll piggyback courage. Just like when crossing the street."
-Brandon from the story "Boxer"
Humans of New York

Friday, November 30, 2012

Just that kind of day

As I walked to the subway, more like ran, I was trying to switch one bag to another hand, as my coffee was spilling down my arm. A man passed, and said "you have a run in your inner knee." He stated it as a fact, no rude intent, straight faced, no smirk. I looked down, "oh geez,ok thanks." Just another thing, I thought to myself, thank God it's Friday. And he must of seen the distraught look on my face and realized I was a hot mess at that particular moment because he quickly added "but it looks nice." It was comical, but kind none the less, I laughed and said "well thanks,I'm sure it does." He laughed to and we kept on going in our respective directions

Late wave

I was walking to get my morning coffee I saw a man sitting on the bench outside, as a stroller passed by he waved at the 2 little munchkins inside it. They didn't respond...right away, as I passed the stroller I heard the little boy ask his mom, "can I wave?" His mom said "yes you can wave." So he did, but by then he was a few feet past the man and the gentleman looked a little sadden by the lack of response. So as I approached I told the man "sir, he waved back, it was just a late wave, he asked his mom if it was ok." The man smiled and said "oh ok then, better late then not at all." Such a cute encounter

Elevator pitch

A term I had never truly understood until yesterday. As I rode up to work, with only one other person on the elevator, we each got in and punched our numbers. And she asked, "ooh what's on the twenty-sixth floor". I told her a law firm and she asked if I was a lawyer. I told her I wasn't and she asked "but do you want to be?" I said yes, actually I do. She was kind of adorable in her inquiry, like a small child on awe, "oooh tell me why?" I laughed a little. Well I want to be a child advocate actually, so I wouldn't do what the firm I work for now does. She then asked so what is that exactly, because my dad wants me to be a lawyer and I really don't want to, he said I should deal with medical law. I said, "well you would definitely make a lot of money what I want to do is represent kids who can't represent themselves." "Ooh that's so good." she said As I was about to exit she said "ok, if I ever need a lawyer I'm coming to you, I'll be your client and you'll be my lawyer" she smiled and I laughed. I would say for my first "elevator pitch" that went quite well.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The look that said it all

We stood on opposite corners, almost like a face off her and I. We looked at traffic, looked at each other looked at traffic. It was stopped in the intersection, all the way across the crosswalk, but was there enough time? We looked up again, and there it was again, the unspoken "I'll go if you go". And so we did, we stepped off our respective curbs and crossed the street, maintaining the stopped traffic on a green light for just a few moments longer

Overhead on Madison

"You should really hear this new playlist I created."
"Dude, she wrote me like an essay." (Man looking at his phone talking to his friend as they sat on the corner)
"Were you there when that woman attacked me at the newsstand?"

Kooky woman

"Can I tell you a disgusting story?" I heard her ask the man behind me. "Of course." He said. I assumed they knew each other and laughed as she told the story. She tapped me on the shoulder and said "you think I'm crazy don't you?" I laughed and I said, "no, just bringing joy to the morning." She laughed and so did the guy she had been talking to. And then she exited the train. Apparently she was just a friendly person.

Makeshift parents

I got on the train, more like squeezed my way in. Shoved up against multiple men in suits. I frantically looked for something to hold on to as the doors of the subway were about to close. A woman and her daughter pushed in right behind me and grabbed on to the pole I couldn't quite reach. The mom, in motherly fashion realized what I was doing and put out her hand, "you can hold my hand of you want to." Her kindness made me smile and the guy I was quite literally shoved up against turned over his shoulder and said "sweetie, I don't think you're going any where."

City nights

New York is a canvas." That's what my roommate said last night as I described to her all the fabulous people I saw on the way home.
The 16 year old boy who was tall and skinny and utterly fabulous with his afro, black turtleneck with the brooch and his yellow studded purse
And the Native American who was such a stark contrast to the men in business suits as he walked down the platform, his long black hair under a worn leather hat, with turquoise jewelry and a briefcase that looked like it had been hand crafted in his well worn jeans and leather boots.
And the trendy man with his graying hair in his combat boots and leather jacket.
And the woman with the afro and the hot pink pea coat accenting her almost lavender colored eyes.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Good fantasy thoughts...

"Anyone can slay a dragon, he told me, but try waking up every morning & loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero."
- Brian Andreas


Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's snowing

Bless my California heart, seeing the first snowfall is truly magical.

The gentle giant

Last night waiting for my train I saw this shadow pass by, looming over me. I turned around and saw this giant of a man. I wasn't the only one who noticed, this woman across the platform looked up at him and back at me. I never understood the term "eyes as big as saucers" until that moment. She looked resigned and went back to resting against the pole, she was about 5ft. I couldn't help but smile as he went and rested on the other side of that pole. I was curious how he was going to fit inside the train car, but alas my train came first, but not before I snapped a picture.


-hunter boots were the best gift I ever received
-snow is fun when you are inside.
-New Yorkers are resilient
-half the population of New York is pregnant
- children are like postal workers they go to school no matter what the weather is
-personal space does not exist on the subway
-seasons are not mythical creatures, they really do exist
-people are very angry in the mornings
-no one really functions until 10am

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Through the storm...

He is Lord.

Church was incredible, 2nd to last service of the day and the line was wrapped around the building still. The Lord is faithful even through the toughest of storms.

Walking into church into the arms of one of my closest friends here in the city I felt the most comfort I have felt all week.
That same friend's new ink, pretty sick!

"The truth about the storms of this life, sometimes survival isn't pretty, but if you keep fighting and going you will get through it."

Psalm 23
-you walk you don't hang out there

"When faced with the storm of sin, rebuild quickly and rebuild differently no need to get familiar with rock bottom"

Through the storm He is Lord, Lord of all.

Halloween cookies

Wednesday, Halloween, I walk through the rotating doors at work.  And there's a maintenance guy standing there and pointing out to people how the plastic had been torn up from the carpet and we needed to be careful.  He points it out to me and then noticed the plate I was carrying and asked, "What were you doing in this storm, baking?"  I answered, "That's exactly what I was doing, I wanted to bring a little happiness our first day back, afterall it is Halloween, do you want one?"  He smiled, a little shocked, "Oh, well, thank you, yes I do.  Now I'm glad that my job was to stand here."  I smiled and said, "oh, well good.  Glad I could help.  Have a good day."

I continued, up the escalators to the elevators, I asked the guy at the front desk if he would like a cookie as well, he said that he would, but could I bring it to him at the end of my day.  I said of course, I would save one for him.  He looked at me, and I asked what time he would be there til, and he said he was doing a double, so until 6pm.  I said ok and started to head for the elevators but he said, "but I'll be at the East bldg."  I said ok and told him,  I know where that is, i'll bring it over.  He asked incredulously, "really?"  I said, "of course." and continued on my way.

I pulled three cookies aside, because I didn't know if he would be alone on duty. So I put them in a bag and at 5pm headed over to the East bldg.  I handed them to him and he said, "you remembered." with a big smile on his face.  I said "Of course, have a good night and enjoy I put in a few extras because I didn't know if other people would be on duty too." He said, " thanks and you too."  As I heard all the whispers from the other people on duty, I smiled and headed home.

The cookies were successful.

The Conversationalist

      The storm has passed, but the damage remains.  It's Halloween and New York is attempting to function again.  South of 40th st is still without power, no signs of it returning.  The only thing on my mind is that I've been given instructions to make it to work if I can, and I can.  The worst thing that happened in my neighborhood was fallen trees, and to be honest the trees that fell actually left us with a beautiful view of central park, so I'm not complaining.  I rushed out of the house with my plate of Halloween cookies in one hand and my purse in the other.  I get to the corner and there is already one girl attempting to flag down any cab.  With the MTA down, cabs are picking up multiple parties and not asking many questions.  All the cabs that pass are full, so I ask her how long she had been standing there, she said about 15mins, so we talk about where we are going and she said if in a joint effort we could snag a cab she would be more than willing to share.  Another 5 mins, nothing, so we decided to head over to the nearest hotel and have them flag one down for us.  I leave her there, wish her goodluck and head to the next corner, I stand there for 5 more mins and finally a gypsy cab stops, I have cash, so I'm not worried.  I get in and tell him the address, as traffic slowly starts crawling, we pull out.  At the first stop light I offer him a cookie, he is very gracious.  And from there we start chatting...
     The cab ride took 2 hours, but by the time we pulled up to my office, I didn't want to get out, I could have chatted with this cab driver, whom I regretfully did not get his name, all day.  We talked about the storm and thankful we were that we were unaffected.  He told me how the day it hit he was supposed to visit a friend down in the area that got hit the hardest but as he was driving down Riverside, he noticed the water rising with no signs of stopping and decided it wasn't such a good idea.  He said he saw some crazies, probably tourists, out on the water taking pictures.  We laughed at how no picture would be worth our lives, but apparently those people thought it was.  Then we talked about where we were both from, me from California and him from West Africa, he said the name once, but I can't recall it.  He told me he had been in NY for 7 years, and when he was growing up he used to skip his English classes because he told his family "I will never need English, why would I need English."  We laughed about how sometimes God changes your plan drastically.  He told me how he was very good at Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics, but in order to pass you also had to be good at English.  So he said, I passed English, to pass my other classes. He also speaks French and a language native to his country.  He told me, how when he first came to New York, he thought that he would become a famous soccer (football) player.  That was his dream growing up and he just believed that was how he was going to make a lot of money.  But that he went and tried out and it wasn't anything that he expected, they ran drills instead of running actually competitions and he didn't think it was a good measure of his skill so he didn't continue on.  He shared with me how he had a dream after that of his mother telling him God will give you skills and will make you rich in this life, but it's not going to be with soccer. We talked about how hard it is to let go of a dream that you've held onto for so long, but how God's plans are always better than our own.  I told him how my brother was a goalie and how I thought he could go on to be a pro, but that's not what he wanted. And how  instead he was coaching while in school.  He told me how his brother went into schooling because of his example and how he excelled.  We talked about how he was in school, hoping to get his PhD and talking with school counselors about continuing school.  When we arrived at our destination I was sad to leave, it was one of the best encounters I have had in New York and one of the longest cab rides of my life, but I was so blessed by our conversation.  When I asked how much, he said "you don't owe me anything, it was just a pleasure talking with you, but if you want, you give me whatever you would normally pay a cabbie for this ride or not really it was just so nice to talk to you."  I already knew I was going to pay him more than the average  cabbie because I had enjoyed the conversation just as much.  I handed him the money and another cookie for the road, he gave me a big smile and said, "Have a great day and a blessed life."  Only in New York. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pride and prejudice as it relates to me

As I walked to work today the quote from Elizabeth Bennett that keeps playing over and over again in my head is "I'm rather fond of walking." And in New York, I'm finding that I am too.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Overheard on Halloween

"Don't you feel much better now without your mane in your face."
-dad to his 18mos old son

"Captain Hook doesn't wear his hat like that so you shouldn't either."
-mom to her 3 year old

Monday, October 29, 2012

Throwback: Foul smell

We got on the train, and quickly plugged our noses. Oh my goodness what is that smell?  I had been warned about the foulness of the subway.  All passengers on that car quickly scurried to either exit, we were 3 ppl away from the door, but it would seem that was 3 too many, so the gentleman and I took our seats, across from one another.  We looked up and all we could do is smile.  Then next set of victims entered at the next stop and as we saw their scrunched faces, and mad dashes for the doors, the gentleman and I burst into a fit of laughter.  The next stop was mine and I wished him a good night.  It's always fun to laugh with a stranger.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oh no not a C-train!

His voice came over the speaker in the train car, a little muffled adding to the tone his voice took like an auctioneer or a old announcer from the races. I could just imagine him belting out the name of the winning horse and as he spoke he said "we are stopping, we are stopped. There's a train. A C-train!!! He seemed to emphasize and shout into the speaker. I giggled to my self and and clamped my lips shut to keep from saying "oh no not a C-train." .... Maybe it was really funny, or maybe delirium has set in because the weekend is finally here. Happy Friday!

4 year old friends

As I was headed home on the train this little boy sat across from me on the train talking loudly and incessantly to his nanny about the signs and the people and always following up her response with his own "but why?" Inquiry. I was melting on the spot. Such a cutie and I could tell the nanny was sweet and patient and slightly embarrassed by some of his louder comments. We were stuck in a tunnel and I had been giggling and smiling at their little exchange the entire time so I decided to give the nanny a hand and provide a distraction. I leaned across the aisle and started asking him questions, he was taken off guard and wisely looked to his nanny to see if he was allowed to talk to a stranger she nodded and thanked me with her smile. I told him I nannied for a little boy who I thought was younger than him, and he told me he was 4, I asked about school and reading and all the things that consume the thoughts of 4 year old boys and he was so excited to tell me all the answers by the time the train was moving and we came to his stop he didn't want to go. Bless his heart and his curious innocence. It brought joy to my commute

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bikes are overrated

The man walking down the street ringing his bike bell...sans bike. Bikes are overrated anyways. It's all about the accessories.

The audiobook

The melodious voice over the speaker could've been announcing our imminent death but she was just so lovely to listen to I wasn't actually paying attention to her words, just enjoying the sound of her voice as if she were merely an audiobook the long lost kind I used to listen to when I drove a car.

Dad's day out

Walking back to my apartment after getting my coffee, I watched as this dad got his 7 year old into a taxi, but then had to deal with a toddler in the stroller.  The moment when 2 hands doesn't seem adequate. I walk over and ask if he needs help. He hesitates, not wanting to admit that 'dad's day out' was a little more work than he had anticipated.  I reach down, and he tries to tell me its complicated, but by then I have the stroller folded and am handing it to him.  He looks at me, slightly frazzled, and says "Uh, Thank You!"  I say 'no problem' as I walk away.  Oh dad's in NY, it's ok to ask for help.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Holidays confused

As I leave the Halloween decked out Magnolia Bakery, I stroll down 6th avenue and notices the twinkle lights have begun to invade the trees along the avenue and Rockefeller center has replaced the plaza full of tables for the beloved ice rink. Apparently Thanksgiving is lost in the struggle for the holiday war

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

oh.. men.

A tall woman in stilettos and a form fitting dressed walked past me going the opposite direction. The man in front of me turned all the way around to stare at her walking away, at the same time an elderly lady was passing him and glanced at me, together we shared a headshake and an "oh men" moment with each other, and then we laughed out loud and kept walking our respective directions.

Disney's Haunted Mansion

As I sat in a seat between two older me, I looked across the aisle and saw my own reflection between these two men.  I was reminded of the end of the Disneyland ride, the Haunted Mansion, where ghosts appear in the reflection, the people looking back at me were so faint, they could've been ghosts...except for the snoring.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time travel

She looked so elegant. Like a character straight out of the Great Gatsby with her pin curls and her bell shaped hat. Her makeup was perfect, red glossy lips and wing-tipped eyeliner. What a way to start a Monday as if you were in a different time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Only the world's most beautiful man

I get on the train with my coffee in hand and move towards the connecting doors, there always happens to be that pocket of space where no one wants to stand bc there's nothing to hold on to. I like it because I have mastered the art of balancing as long as there is a door to fall into. So I sneak back there and brace myself. As I stand there I notice this man sitting across from where I stood, he looks beautiful even with his eyes closed. He looks famous, I can't place him but I'm convinced my roommate will be able to so I snap a picture on my phone thinking he will probably be getting off the train at the next closest stop. Lucky for me he doesn't. He looks up at me, but I have begun to read on my phone,he does it two more times so finally I look over and smile. Then I figure he hasn't gotten off yet, so I might as well ask him. So I take out my earbuds and tap his knee and lean down, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or invade your privacy, but are you an actor?" He laughs, and says, "No, but you aren't the first person to ask me that. I'm actually not even from here." "Oh ok, you just have a very distinct look". "Yeah I get that alot". "So what do you do?" I asked "I'm actually a personal trainer to celebrities so maybe some day I'll be famous. What do you do?" "Oh, I work in a law firm and part time as a wedding planner, but currently I'm headed to watch a football game" I said as I pointed towards my jersey. "Oh wow, i wish i was from here, then i would know more about football. my name is Ariel by the way." He said as he stuck out his hand. I shook it and said "My names Josslynn. Nice to meet you, so where are you from originally?" "Brazil, and you?" "Originally? California." "Oh wow! I've only been here and Miami" "oh well you should try LA, it's not a bad place". "I want to. What about you, have you been to Brazil!" "No." "Of you should go, everyone should goto Brazil." I laughed "Ok,so do you have a card or anything?" "No, I don't actually. I try not to carry work with me on my day off." "Oh ok, that makes sense" He quickly added but you can have my number, if you want" right as the doors opened for my stop. I decided getting his number was worth the 5 blocks I would have to walk. "oh ok, I disconnected my headphones and handed him my phone. He put in his phone number and then handed it back to me. And I must have hesitated or something because he said, "it's Ariel, spelled like the little mermaid," I laughed because this big huge man was referring to himself by comparison to a Disney mermaid. I put it in phone and then the doors for the next stop opened. "Nice to meet you, this is my stop." "Oh ok, nice to meet you. Make sure you text me so I have your number too." He yelled as I stepped off the train. I smiled as I said, "oh I will." And I did, as soon as I got above ground I sent him a text. "Nice to meet you. -Josslynn". His reply, "My pleasure!"

Thursday, October 4, 2012


As I sat on the train this morning watching a very animated 6 year old look over his big brothers shoulder while he played video games, their parents sat their watching them, hand in hand. And then they did the cutest thing, they would lean in to each other and whisper and then giggle like small school children. It was adorable. I hope that when I'm married and possibly have children that ill still be whispering and giggling with my husband.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Talks on the platform

"Why does that girl have pink hair mommy?"
"Because she likes it."
"But how is it pink? Does it have sparkles?"
"No I don't think so."

"Mommy is the ceiling going to fall on us?"
"Mommy, is daddy older than the ceiling?"
"No, sweetie, the ceiling is older than daddy."
"But how do the trains come?"
"Well on the tracks-"
"Yes but how did the trains get down here?"
"Well they dug really big holes "

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

90 year old dancer

One woman was holding up a phone as she described the picture, "this is my 90 year old friend, she is the most lovely human being I have ever met.  She's so vivid and full of life, she owns a dance studio."

Monday, October 1, 2012

If the NY Times says it, it's true

NY Times talks about crying in public spaces

Tears on the subway

We've all been there, it's unavoidable in NY. There's no privacy, no moment alone, and sometimes you've had all you can take and you cry on the subway. That happened today, sometimes Mondays are just rough. Well I happened to have some tissues so tonight I made a new friend, and I hope tomorrow she won't need those tissues.

Throwback: Polka dot skirt

This girl in this lovely polka dot skirt walked by at the playground. "I like your skirt," I said, as we made eye contact.  "Thank you" she said, as she came and sat next to me on the wall as I was holding the baby.  "Can I hold her?"  She asked.  I responded by handing the baby over to her. "Sure."  We sat there, talking gibberish to the baby together. She handed her back to me, and said, "Have a good day." "You too." I said, as she walked away.

Throwback: Park talker

"Oh my, they are soo cute, are they yours?"
"No, I'm just the nanny."
"Oh honey, don't say 'just' that is a big responsibility."
"Oh ok."
"Is the little boy Filipino?  He looks like my daughter, she's half Filipino, obviously half because I'm as white as they come.  She's my oldest, she's at college right now.  Its hard, but at least I have these two to take care of." She said gesturing to her 8 year old and  her 12 year old.  "The older of the two, she thinks she's too cool for everything."
"Yep, that's what happens at that age, at least it passes.  It is good you have them, my mom, she wished she had younger ones when my brother and I went off to college."
"Yeah, its rough for us moms. So you be kind to yours ok?"
"I will be."
"Ok sweetheart, and you're doing a good job with those too, but remember it's not "just" thats a big responisbility, and you're doing great."
"Thank you"

October 1st. Monday Morning

The little 2 year old boy on the train had so much love to give that as he read his book with his dad he kissed every farm animal on every page goodnight... Oh sweet innocence is a nice scene so early in the morning

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cops and robbers

3 men in suits with large duffle bags get on. A friend and I whisper to each other "What do you think they do?" My response, "They're probably in the mob". My friend nods "yeah probably, or undercover cops" "ooh yeah, cops or mob, one of the two very hot either way". "Yeah they are. I think I see a badge, should I ask?" "YES". The train gets to our stop, my friend gets up, before we stop moving and nearly sits in the guys lap. I laugh and say that's why I don't get up before we stop. She laughs and we rush off the train. I ask her why she chickened out and she says "while I considering asking while I was falling towards him but the embarrassment got the better of me, so I guess we'll never know if they were the good guys or the bad guys". "I guess not"

Proud relatives

"Hi, I'm the wedding coordinator"
"Oh hi! I'm one of the aunts, well the GREAT-aunts, this is my sister, and these are the boys, our husband. We're all from Staten Island. We didn't want to be late, we just love Lauren."
"Of course."
I extended my hand to the gentlemen and one of the 75 year olds takes my hand in a heavy accent says, "We were expecting J-lo"
"Sorry to disappoint."
"It's ok, I guess you'll do."
We made our way to the church steps and I overheard one man to another, "Oh boy, since we're so early, we should go down the block and get a frankfurter from a cart, haven't done that in 20years."
Four police officers pass by and the same gentleman says, "Hello officers, How are you doin'?" They respond with big smiles and say "oh just fine, you here for a wedding?" The man says, "Yes, my great-niece is getting married today." with obvious pride.  The officers say, "oh thats nice, congratulations!" and continue on their way.  The man turns to me and says, "You should always say hi to people, it's just a nice thing to do."
Such sweet people.

Throwback: Tourists from Tennessee

(Walking on 3rd avenue past Bloomingdales)
"Are they yours?"
"Oh, no, I'm there nanny."
"Oh well, they are soo cute."
"They are."
"We have 5 grandchildren.  We're here on vacation from Tennessee. We just love the city, people are more friendly than we thought they would be."
"That's what I thought when I first moved here too!"
"Alright dear, well you take care"
"You too. Enjoy the rest of your trip"

Grasping at leaves

Grasping those Fall leaves in his hand, he was praying to hold onto Autumn so that Winter would not creep in just yet.

Day 1

The man with the professional camera and the MET bag offered his seat to a woman who said she didn't want it. He took it, looking weary and exhausted.  That day he had captured sites and memories his wife would never be a part of, except for when she looked at the photographs because her fatigue had brought her back to the hotel early, where as he had wearily trudged on through the city.

My daily commute

In some form every day I am a 'commuter' in the city.  I travel from my apartment to work and many other places in the city.  Along the way I come across so many people and so many stories.  This is my way of documenting the daily stories and lives I cross paths with.  Some of these stories are what I have encountered and some of them are inspired stories I think of when I see someone walking or sitting across from me on the subway. Welcome to my daily encounters.