Monday, December 3, 2012

Do you wonder

What people see when they look at you? Do you ever think about that?

People stare all the time, I know I've been guilty of it. And in my head I know why I'm staring. Mostly it's because I see something I like, a hairstyle, a lipstick color, a necklace, shoes whatever. And usually if I'm close enough ill say something to the person. Usually they'll have looked up, you know because of that weird feeling you get when you can feel someone's eyes on you.

So when I get that feeling and I look up and see someone glancing at me, I constantly want to ask, what is it? What do you see? What are you looking at? Do I have my breakfast still stuck in my teeth? Did I forget to put makeup on one of my eyes? What is it? I'm just curious. Which is why when I get caught staring I usually say something because who doesn't want to hear nice things about themselves? Or even cautionary things? So my charge to you, if you see something, and you think it's pretty/spectacular/beautiful/cool/insert adjective, unless it's cruel to say, say it! You only get one life, make connections, brighten someone's day.

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