Monday, December 3, 2012


In the morning, we all press on, squeezing ourselves into the smallest spaces of the subway car. And I look around and half the people are doing this, whether they are really sleepy or not, who knows. But they are all closing their eyes. I feel like you are only truly tired enough to fall asleep on the train at the end of the day. To me it seems like we never really grow out of the "if we close our eyes, everything else isn't really happening" stage. It's a little kid reflex, when something bad is happening, they close their eyes or if they want to avoid something bad, they cover their eyes. It's the same for adults in New York on morning subway trains, they all close their eyes and pretend that they aren't all squished in like sardines, like they aren't closer to the stranger to their right than they were with their husband in bed that morning. They close their eyes and pretend to be any where else than that uncomfortable situation, just as a child would. So, do we ever grow up? Or out of those habits that are "childlike" ? I don't know, I'm not quite sure, but I can tell you I like seeing these habits take form if even for a moment and I like remembering my childlike nature is still at the core of the things that I do.

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