Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Monday in New York

Sometimes I wonder about New York. It really is like people say. One day you love it the next you hate it. Well just when I thought it was going to be one of the latter days I was pleasantly surprised. There I was on the crowded train, with my coffee in one hand and my bagel bag clenched alongside it, praying I maintained enough balance not to spill on anyone. I made it through the first stop, fine, no problem. Onto the next one. Well I stilled myself and tried to be as little as possible. Well it almost worked, until the mob moved and my bagel bag was swiftly removed from my grip. I saw it kicked once, but miraculously stayed in the bag. I thought of venturing to bend down to pick it up but then thought that I would rather not start my Monday off by being kicked in the head. So I soothed myself by reminding myself that I still had my coffee. And then miracle of miracles, a girl in the front of the mob seemed to box out the whole crowd, causing them to pause as she bent and picked up my bagel bag. And then handed it to me. It was simple enough, but sometimes a kind gesture brings you to tears. And this one did. I said thank you so much. She smiled and got off the train and the mob continued on their way. But somehow, no one seemed quite that bothered by the pause. Lucky for me

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