Monday, December 31, 2012

Love on my lunch break

I may have met my soulmate on my lunch break
The encounters in this city happen frequently, on the train, in a taxi, on a corner, walking down the street, and sometimes on your lunch break.
Today I ran home real quick on my lunch break, I forgot that I was playing Santa after work, delivering gifts to the little munchkins I used to nanny for. So I ran home real quick, I was making a steady path down the sidewalk and I was doing my mom speedwalk at the mall when I realized someone was coming towards me from the other way. I looked up and started gauging when I was going to have to move out of his way, you see he was actually running, unlike my speedwalk and I didn't really want to be mowed down. So as we approached one another, I moved to the left, so he could go past, well it seemed that he had the same idea. So there we both stood, on the left side, with a tree in between us waiting for the other to go past, when we realized what we had both done, we peaked around the tree, and said go ahead at the same time. We shared a laugh, and he spoke and said, "thank you, but really, go ahead. "As he smiled. I smiled back and said "thank you." And walked away with a smile on my face.

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