Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Holidays

As I got off the plane, I was instantly hit with reality. My vacation was over, I was suffering from jet lag, and I hadn't even gone through customs yet. I got in line and realized I hadn't filled out the appropriate forms. I got back out of line and got the form. Filled it out and got in line. I
made it to the front and headed to the not so friendly customs officer. Did you have a nice holiday? He asked. Which shocked me because his facial expression said he couldn't care less and didn't really want to hear about it. So I returned with a curt, "Yes. And how was your Christmas?" This seem to surprise him, he gave me a look that said "I'm the one asking the quesitons." But then he seemed to change his mind, like it was nice change of pace to have someone to talk to and he started in, "You know it sucked, I was here. Here Christmas Eve, 17 hours, here Christmas Day 15hours." I glanced down at his hand and saw his ring and immediately wondered if he had kids and how sad it would be to have to miss a holiday because of work. I gave him a sympathetic look. And he put his guard back in place,"Yea, well whatch ya gonna do. Oh well." Ever the optimist, "Well what about New Years? Will you get to be home for that?" "No, I'll be here." He said. I groaned a little on his behalf, "Oh, I'm sorry." He looked at me, after he stamped my passport and handed it back to me. I started to walk away and then said, "Well I hope the New year turns out better for you!" "Thanks." He said, with what I could only assume was his attempt at a smile. "Happy New Year to you."

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