Monday, January 7, 2013


Thats what they looked like they were doing on their stools at the coffee shop. He had walked in first, got his black coffee and a sandwich. He sat on one stool and pulled another close, he sipped his coffee and placed the sandwich in front of the other stool. He sat there, sipping and waiting. In a flurry of cold air and an oversized coat, in walked this smaller man, he almost knocked the stool over in his flurry. the other man slowly moved his stuff from the other stool and continued to sip his coffee as the other man grabbed at the sandwich in the bag like a rabid dog. They sat there, whispering, plotting, planning. The man finished the sandwich and the other man finished his coffee and then they both got up in unison and walked out. One man went left and the other right. Something just went down.

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