Friday, October 26, 2012

4 year old friends

As I was headed home on the train this little boy sat across from me on the train talking loudly and incessantly to his nanny about the signs and the people and always following up her response with his own "but why?" Inquiry. I was melting on the spot. Such a cutie and I could tell the nanny was sweet and patient and slightly embarrassed by some of his louder comments. We were stuck in a tunnel and I had been giggling and smiling at their little exchange the entire time so I decided to give the nanny a hand and provide a distraction. I leaned across the aisle and started asking him questions, he was taken off guard and wisely looked to his nanny to see if he was allowed to talk to a stranger she nodded and thanked me with her smile. I told him I nannied for a little boy who I thought was younger than him, and he told me he was 4, I asked about school and reading and all the things that consume the thoughts of 4 year old boys and he was so excited to tell me all the answers by the time the train was moving and we came to his stop he didn't want to go. Bless his heart and his curious innocence. It brought joy to my commute

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