Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Only the world's most beautiful man

I get on the train with my coffee in hand and move towards the connecting doors, there always happens to be that pocket of space where no one wants to stand bc there's nothing to hold on to. I like it because I have mastered the art of balancing as long as there is a door to fall into. So I sneak back there and brace myself. As I stand there I notice this man sitting across from where I stood, he looks beautiful even with his eyes closed. He looks famous, I can't place him but I'm convinced my roommate will be able to so I snap a picture on my phone thinking he will probably be getting off the train at the next closest stop. Lucky for me he doesn't. He looks up at me, but I have begun to read on my phone,he does it two more times so finally I look over and smile. Then I figure he hasn't gotten off yet, so I might as well ask him. So I take out my earbuds and tap his knee and lean down, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or invade your privacy, but are you an actor?" He laughs, and says, "No, but you aren't the first person to ask me that. I'm actually not even from here." "Oh ok, you just have a very distinct look". "Yeah I get that alot". "So what do you do?" I asked "I'm actually a personal trainer to celebrities so maybe some day I'll be famous. What do you do?" "Oh, I work in a law firm and part time as a wedding planner, but currently I'm headed to watch a football game" I said as I pointed towards my jersey. "Oh wow, i wish i was from here, then i would know more about football. my name is Ariel by the way." He said as he stuck out his hand. I shook it and said "My names Josslynn. Nice to meet you, so where are you from originally?" "Brazil, and you?" "Originally? California." "Oh wow! I've only been here and Miami" "oh well you should try LA, it's not a bad place". "I want to. What about you, have you been to Brazil!" "No." "Of you should go, everyone should goto Brazil." I laughed "Ok,so do you have a card or anything?" "No, I don't actually. I try not to carry work with me on my day off." "Oh ok, that makes sense" He quickly added but you can have my number, if you want" right as the doors opened for my stop. I decided getting his number was worth the 5 blocks I would have to walk. "oh ok, I disconnected my headphones and handed him my phone. He put in his phone number and then handed it back to me. And I must have hesitated or something because he said, "it's Ariel, spelled like the little mermaid," I laughed because this big huge man was referring to himself by comparison to a Disney mermaid. I put it in phone and then the doors for the next stop opened. "Nice to meet you, this is my stop." "Oh ok, nice to meet you. Make sure you text me so I have your number too." He yelled as I stepped off the train. I smiled as I said, "oh I will." And I did, as soon as I got above ground I sent him a text. "Nice to meet you. -Josslynn". His reply, "My pleasure!"

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