Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cops and robbers

3 men in suits with large duffle bags get on. A friend and I whisper to each other "What do you think they do?" My response, "They're probably in the mob". My friend nods "yeah probably, or undercover cops" "ooh yeah, cops or mob, one of the two very hot either way". "Yeah they are. I think I see a badge, should I ask?" "YES". The train gets to our stop, my friend gets up, before we stop moving and nearly sits in the guys lap. I laugh and say that's why I don't get up before we stop. She laughs and we rush off the train. I ask her why she chickened out and she says "while I considering asking while I was falling towards him but the embarrassment got the better of me, so I guess we'll never know if they were the good guys or the bad guys". "I guess not"

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