Tuesday, June 18, 2013

oh kids, gotta love 'em

On the way home I was waiting for my train on the platform when all of a sudden what sounded like a stampede descended the staircase on my platform.  I looked up and saw about 15 middle schoolers and 3 adult wranglers.  The train was approaching, and wouldn't you know it, it was their train too.  We got on, I waited for the mass to get through the doors. I was leaning against the door, just watching the kids, moving from seat to seat, giggling and telling each other secrets. Asking their teachers a million questions.  One of the male teachers was a little older than me, he was surrounded by three of the kids, 2 girls and a boy.  They were like master interrogators, throwing questions at him, rapid fire.  One of them asked if he was married, another asked how old  he was and another asked if he had a girlfriend since he wasn't married.  They continued questioning him about his relationship status and he was blushing and laughing answering as vaguely as possible and finally he ended the conversation by stating. "You guys sound like my mother."  I silently added in my own head, welcome to the club.

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