Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's a small small world.

I know I didn't write much at all about Spain, besides that I went.  But I have a short story for you. I arrived in Spain, got off the plane, full of confidence, all I needed to do was find the shuttle and I'd be fine.  I found it, approached the man, and realized the extent of my Spanish would not cover what I needed to ask. So I spoke in English, this was the first in many realizations that I found out, I probably wouldn't need to use my Spanish skills (or lack thereof) at all.  I simply stated "I need to get to the place on the front of the bus."  The gorgeous blue eyed, black haired man smiled and me and said, "Of course, get on, pay the driver, and wait to get off until the very last stop."  "Gracias" "De nada y Beinvenue." I got on the bus and immediately realized I wasn't the only American.  Two guys, one military for sure, were getting on, mumbling and already complaining (typical) I noticed the taller one's sweatshirt first, "Rochester University,"  they sat down a few rows behind me.  Then a woman got on and sat directly behind me, with an older man accompanying her.  He soon got off, and I worked up the courage to turn around and ask the two guys behind me about the guys sweatshirt.  He said it was his girlfriend's, I told him my best friend went there.  We started talking, turns out they both had gone to Boston college, but were from San Francisco originally.  One of them was living in Berlin, and the other was still in California. The girl behind me decided to chime in too, turns out she was from San Diego.  It was fun to chat with people from my home state in a city around the world.  It's crazy how small the world becomes the more you travel and meet people.  I got off the bus, and so did the two guys, I had told them I was there to celebrate my little brothers birthday and they said we should go to this club by the water and they pointed me in the direction of Las Ramblas where I told them my hotel was.  I was grateful because my phone was about to die, and that meant the directions with it.  I said goodbye and marveled at what a small world it is.

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