Thursday, April 25, 2013

Those days...

Sometimes there are "those days" the days you wonder why you even bothered to get out of bed. You stand on the platform waiting for your train, and 20 mins and two trains latter that aren't yours your train finally arrives, you get on only to be stopped for another 5mins at the next station and then when you finally arrive at your stop you take the stairs two at a time and run the three blocks to your office in heels, because of course on one of "those days" you thought you had it all together and you could actually manage to wear your heels before you got to work, meanwhile youre hoping that your now cold coffee doesn't end up down the front of your shirt. And then you get to your block, so close to your building when you hear the construction worker behind you say,"you have a damn fine pair of legs." Welcome to one of "those days" in New York.

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