Monday, April 15, 2013

I was in Spain yesterday.

As I sit at my desk this Monday morning, I'm a little more than awestruck.  All I keep thinking is, "I was in Spain yesterday."  I think I'm still processing all that we did.  I met my brother in Barcelona on Thursday.  It was quite the whirlwind, but at the same time extremely relaxing.  There were only a few things on my "Spain To Do" list.  There were none on my brother's, so it worked out well.  We were able to eat, nap, explore without being stuck to a schedule and it was lovely.  It's been a little over three months since I last saw Brenn and it was great to be back together.  He literally makes me die of laughter every time we hang out.  And I think I do the same to him, there was one moment we were walking down Las Ramblas, just chatting, and I can't even recall what exactly we were discussing, but I said something, and he stopped on the sidewalk and doubled over in laughter, I was laughing too, but I kept walking.  It was just really good.  We got by with our passable Spanish and I have to admit, we didn't really need it, but it was nice all the same to be able to use it.  I think Brenn had a wonderful birthday, definitely one that I'll always remember.  (Who travels to Spain for a birthday? Apparently we do, and we are so blessed!!)


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