Thursday, April 18, 2013

1 year.

1 Year. As of yesterday I have lived in New York for one year. Its seems crazy.  The above statement is so true.  Life was very different.  I had moved out of Santa Barbara.  I celebrated my brother's 21st birthday and a couple days later I got on a flight, with 3 suitcases and 2 boxes and traveled across the country to my new apartment.  In this year I have learned a lot.  And I would like to think I have grown a lot too. I'm still learning and growing but in a more positive way and with more wisdom than before. This past year has definitely been an adventure. 
I've had 3 jobs. Started as a nanny, while doing part time event planning and then started at a law firm and continued event planning.  I've learned to use the subway system and how to flag down a taxi. I've paid way too much for an apt shared by two other roommates.  I've been on dates with men that are better looking than I've ever seen.  I've gone to happy hour with co-workers.  I've wandered the MET and the MOMA. I've gone to Broadway shows and wandered around Times Square.  I've been to Europe twice in the past year. And traveled up and down the East Coast. It's been an eventful year, to say the least.
And I've grown.
I've learned to live without having friends in the apartment next door.  I've learned to travel alone. I've experienced the loss of friendship and started new friendships. I've learned (read: still learning) how to let go of people that are no longer good for your life.  I've learned to move past old pains and hurts and how to be smarter about those decisions going forward.  I'm figuring out what I want out of life, out of friendships, out of loves, and pursuing it. 
This last year has been a 'molding' year, a year of figuring it all out. And by no means do I have it all figured out, but I'm getting there.

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