Thursday, March 14, 2013


The only time I've thought about the age 23 was when my Sophomore year roommate told me, she didn't really care about turning 21 but she could not wait to be 23.  I thought it was the strangest thing and so fitting for her.  I love her to pieces and now we are both living out our 23rd year.  She recently text me that she was sad that her birthday was so close because that meant she would no longer be her favorite age.

It's funny, but I've found that 23, so far, is my favorite too.

And the other night, as I purchased wine, my 50ish cashier took in my ID and turned to me and said, "You are the best age.  If I could trade places with you, I would in a heartbeat."  It made me smile. And appreciate my age even more.

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