Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10 + Oddities about me

Continuing from my last post, stemming off of having too much time to think, there are recently things I've discovered that I want to, in typical me fashion, list out (in no particular order)
1 - I hate washing containers to be recycled, for the most part, I don't.
2 - I hate washing my hands (sounds gross, I know, I do it, don't get me wrong, but I hate it)
      Mainly because it dries them out and I have to use lotion, which I hate even more.
3 - I miss my friends.  ALL of them. I miss them and I love them and I'm happy for what they are doing with their lives, but mostly I miss them.
4 - I'm really bad at remembering anyone's birthday that I learned after middle school
5 - I hate when people tell me I'm too loud.  It makes me feel like I'm 5 all over again.  I can count on one hand the amount of people that have told me "Don't apologize for being loud, it's who you are, never make apologizes for that." And I remember the exact moments those very few individuals said that to me.  As well, loudness reminds me of family or my house because I can't remember a time when I've been with family and we were quiet.
6 - I don't particularly love roommates.  I had a several whom I would share a room with in a heart beat, but in the grand scheme of things, not a fan.  I sometimes feel, again, like I'm 5 years old.
7 - I LOVE tv. And I miss having one.
8 - I like blogging, but sometimes I censor myself, but recently I cleaned out my blogs, the ones I follow and had bookmarked and decided to become more intentional and start only reading those who stand up for what they believe in, and have more to say than just pictures of what they are wearing (no offense to fashion bloggers, your outfits are gorgeous) but if I'm gonna read your blog I want to hear your voice in it and be inspired by it, just like on my blog, I hope to write things that are encouraging and no longer hiding worrying about what people may or may not think.
9 - I miss my car.
10 - I miss real grocery stores and friends who would cook for me. And along with that, I hate cooking and coming up with meal ideas... I'd rather eat cereal.
11 - I miss teachers, people's whose job it was literally to teach you things.  I miss having people like that, that I can solidly count on to turn to.  I think that's part of why I like blogs so much, I love learning from other people.
12 - When it comes to my dishes, if I leave them in the sink, and you happen to do dishes before I get home, please do them, when you leave them, I feel like its a personal attack, a vendetta, because you had to actively think about not doing them.  I will return the favor, I promise, and sometimes I do yours anyways.
13 - I hate stairs and public transportation
14 - I wish I was a morning person (some days) I feel like I would be more productive.

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