Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Overheard on Halloween

"Don't you feel much better now without your mane in your face."
-dad to his 18mos old son

"Captain Hook doesn't wear his hat like that so you shouldn't either."
-mom to her 3 year old

Monday, October 29, 2012

Throwback: Foul smell

We got on the train, and quickly plugged our noses. Oh my goodness what is that smell?  I had been warned about the foulness of the subway.  All passengers on that car quickly scurried to either exit, we were 3 ppl away from the door, but it would seem that was 3 too many, so the gentleman and I took our seats, across from one another.  We looked up and all we could do is smile.  Then next set of victims entered at the next stop and as we saw their scrunched faces, and mad dashes for the doors, the gentleman and I burst into a fit of laughter.  The next stop was mine and I wished him a good night.  It's always fun to laugh with a stranger.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oh no not a C-train!

His voice came over the speaker in the train car, a little muffled adding to the tone his voice took like an auctioneer or a old announcer from the races. I could just imagine him belting out the name of the winning horse and as he spoke he said "we are stopping, we are stopped. There's a train. A C-train!!! He seemed to emphasize and shout into the speaker. I giggled to my self and and clamped my lips shut to keep from saying "oh no not a C-train." .... Maybe it was really funny, or maybe delirium has set in because the weekend is finally here. Happy Friday!

4 year old friends

As I was headed home on the train this little boy sat across from me on the train talking loudly and incessantly to his nanny about the signs and the people and always following up her response with his own "but why?" Inquiry. I was melting on the spot. Such a cutie and I could tell the nanny was sweet and patient and slightly embarrassed by some of his louder comments. We were stuck in a tunnel and I had been giggling and smiling at their little exchange the entire time so I decided to give the nanny a hand and provide a distraction. I leaned across the aisle and started asking him questions, he was taken off guard and wisely looked to his nanny to see if he was allowed to talk to a stranger she nodded and thanked me with her smile. I told him I nannied for a little boy who I thought was younger than him, and he told me he was 4, I asked about school and reading and all the things that consume the thoughts of 4 year old boys and he was so excited to tell me all the answers by the time the train was moving and we came to his stop he didn't want to go. Bless his heart and his curious innocence. It brought joy to my commute

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bikes are overrated

The man walking down the street ringing his bike bell...sans bike. Bikes are overrated anyways. It's all about the accessories.

The audiobook

The melodious voice over the speaker could've been announcing our imminent death but she was just so lovely to listen to I wasn't actually paying attention to her words, just enjoying the sound of her voice as if she were merely an audiobook the long lost kind I used to listen to when I drove a car.

Dad's day out

Walking back to my apartment after getting my coffee, I watched as this dad got his 7 year old into a taxi, but then had to deal with a toddler in the stroller.  The moment when 2 hands doesn't seem adequate. I walk over and ask if he needs help. He hesitates, not wanting to admit that 'dad's day out' was a little more work than he had anticipated.  I reach down, and he tries to tell me its complicated, but by then I have the stroller folded and am handing it to him.  He looks at me, slightly frazzled, and says "Uh, Thank You!"  I say 'no problem' as I walk away.  Oh dad's in NY, it's ok to ask for help.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Holidays confused

As I leave the Halloween decked out Magnolia Bakery, I stroll down 6th avenue and notices the twinkle lights have begun to invade the trees along the avenue and Rockefeller center has replaced the plaza full of tables for the beloved ice rink. Apparently Thanksgiving is lost in the struggle for the holiday war

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

oh.. men.

A tall woman in stilettos and a form fitting dressed walked past me going the opposite direction. The man in front of me turned all the way around to stare at her walking away, at the same time an elderly lady was passing him and glanced at me, together we shared a headshake and an "oh men" moment with each other, and then we laughed out loud and kept walking our respective directions.

Disney's Haunted Mansion

As I sat in a seat between two older me, I looked across the aisle and saw my own reflection between these two men.  I was reminded of the end of the Disneyland ride, the Haunted Mansion, where ghosts appear in the reflection, the people looking back at me were so faint, they could've been ghosts...except for the snoring.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time travel

She looked so elegant. Like a character straight out of the Great Gatsby with her pin curls and her bell shaped hat. Her makeup was perfect, red glossy lips and wing-tipped eyeliner. What a way to start a Monday as if you were in a different time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Only the world's most beautiful man

I get on the train with my coffee in hand and move towards the connecting doors, there always happens to be that pocket of space where no one wants to stand bc there's nothing to hold on to. I like it because I have mastered the art of balancing as long as there is a door to fall into. So I sneak back there and brace myself. As I stand there I notice this man sitting across from where I stood, he looks beautiful even with his eyes closed. He looks famous, I can't place him but I'm convinced my roommate will be able to so I snap a picture on my phone thinking he will probably be getting off the train at the next closest stop. Lucky for me he doesn't. He looks up at me, but I have begun to read on my phone,he does it two more times so finally I look over and smile. Then I figure he hasn't gotten off yet, so I might as well ask him. So I take out my earbuds and tap his knee and lean down, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or invade your privacy, but are you an actor?" He laughs, and says, "No, but you aren't the first person to ask me that. I'm actually not even from here." "Oh ok, you just have a very distinct look". "Yeah I get that alot". "So what do you do?" I asked "I'm actually a personal trainer to celebrities so maybe some day I'll be famous. What do you do?" "Oh, I work in a law firm and part time as a wedding planner, but currently I'm headed to watch a football game" I said as I pointed towards my jersey. "Oh wow, i wish i was from here, then i would know more about football. my name is Ariel by the way." He said as he stuck out his hand. I shook it and said "My names Josslynn. Nice to meet you, so where are you from originally?" "Brazil, and you?" "Originally? California." "Oh wow! I've only been here and Miami" "oh well you should try LA, it's not a bad place". "I want to. What about you, have you been to Brazil!" "No." "Of you should go, everyone should goto Brazil." I laughed "Ok,so do you have a card or anything?" "No, I don't actually. I try not to carry work with me on my day off." "Oh ok, that makes sense" He quickly added but you can have my number, if you want" right as the doors opened for my stop. I decided getting his number was worth the 5 blocks I would have to walk. "oh ok, I disconnected my headphones and handed him my phone. He put in his phone number and then handed it back to me. And I must have hesitated or something because he said, "it's Ariel, spelled like the little mermaid," I laughed because this big huge man was referring to himself by comparison to a Disney mermaid. I put it in phone and then the doors for the next stop opened. "Nice to meet you, this is my stop." "Oh ok, nice to meet you. Make sure you text me so I have your number too." He yelled as I stepped off the train. I smiled as I said, "oh I will." And I did, as soon as I got above ground I sent him a text. "Nice to meet you. -Josslynn". His reply, "My pleasure!"

Thursday, October 4, 2012


As I sat on the train this morning watching a very animated 6 year old look over his big brothers shoulder while he played video games, their parents sat their watching them, hand in hand. And then they did the cutest thing, they would lean in to each other and whisper and then giggle like small school children. It was adorable. I hope that when I'm married and possibly have children that ill still be whispering and giggling with my husband.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Talks on the platform

"Why does that girl have pink hair mommy?"
"Because she likes it."
"But how is it pink? Does it have sparkles?"
"No I don't think so."

"Mommy is the ceiling going to fall on us?"
"Mommy, is daddy older than the ceiling?"
"No, sweetie, the ceiling is older than daddy."
"But how do the trains come?"
"Well on the tracks-"
"Yes but how did the trains get down here?"
"Well they dug really big holes "

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

90 year old dancer

One woman was holding up a phone as she described the picture, "this is my 90 year old friend, she is the most lovely human being I have ever met.  She's so vivid and full of life, she owns a dance studio."

Monday, October 1, 2012

If the NY Times says it, it's true

NY Times talks about crying in public spaces

Tears on the subway

We've all been there, it's unavoidable in NY. There's no privacy, no moment alone, and sometimes you've had all you can take and you cry on the subway. That happened today, sometimes Mondays are just rough. Well I happened to have some tissues so tonight I made a new friend, and I hope tomorrow she won't need those tissues.

Throwback: Polka dot skirt

This girl in this lovely polka dot skirt walked by at the playground. "I like your skirt," I said, as we made eye contact.  "Thank you" she said, as she came and sat next to me on the wall as I was holding the baby.  "Can I hold her?"  She asked.  I responded by handing the baby over to her. "Sure."  We sat there, talking gibberish to the baby together. She handed her back to me, and said, "Have a good day." "You too." I said, as she walked away.

Throwback: Park talker

"Oh my, they are soo cute, are they yours?"
"No, I'm just the nanny."
"Oh honey, don't say 'just' that is a big responsibility."
"Oh ok."
"Is the little boy Filipino?  He looks like my daughter, she's half Filipino, obviously half because I'm as white as they come.  She's my oldest, she's at college right now.  Its hard, but at least I have these two to take care of." She said gesturing to her 8 year old and  her 12 year old.  "The older of the two, she thinks she's too cool for everything."
"Yep, that's what happens at that age, at least it passes.  It is good you have them, my mom, she wished she had younger ones when my brother and I went off to college."
"Yeah, its rough for us moms. So you be kind to yours ok?"
"I will be."
"Ok sweetheart, and you're doing a good job with those too, but remember it's not "just" thats a big responisbility, and you're doing great."
"Thank you"

October 1st. Monday Morning

The little 2 year old boy on the train had so much love to give that as he read his book with his dad he kissed every farm animal on every page goodnight... Oh sweet innocence is a nice scene so early in the morning