Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cops and robbers

3 men in suits with large duffle bags get on. A friend and I whisper to each other "What do you think they do?" My response, "They're probably in the mob". My friend nods "yeah probably, or undercover cops" "ooh yeah, cops or mob, one of the two very hot either way". "Yeah they are. I think I see a badge, should I ask?" "YES". The train gets to our stop, my friend gets up, before we stop moving and nearly sits in the guys lap. I laugh and say that's why I don't get up before we stop. She laughs and we rush off the train. I ask her why she chickened out and she says "while I considering asking while I was falling towards him but the embarrassment got the better of me, so I guess we'll never know if they were the good guys or the bad guys". "I guess not"

Proud relatives

"Hi, I'm the wedding coordinator"
"Oh hi! I'm one of the aunts, well the GREAT-aunts, this is my sister, and these are the boys, our husband. We're all from Staten Island. We didn't want to be late, we just love Lauren."
"Of course."
I extended my hand to the gentlemen and one of the 75 year olds takes my hand in a heavy accent says, "We were expecting J-lo"
"Sorry to disappoint."
"It's ok, I guess you'll do."
We made our way to the church steps and I overheard one man to another, "Oh boy, since we're so early, we should go down the block and get a frankfurter from a cart, haven't done that in 20years."
Four police officers pass by and the same gentleman says, "Hello officers, How are you doin'?" They respond with big smiles and say "oh just fine, you here for a wedding?" The man says, "Yes, my great-niece is getting married today." with obvious pride.  The officers say, "oh thats nice, congratulations!" and continue on their way.  The man turns to me and says, "You should always say hi to people, it's just a nice thing to do."
Such sweet people.

Throwback: Tourists from Tennessee

(Walking on 3rd avenue past Bloomingdales)
"Are they yours?"
"Oh, no, I'm there nanny."
"Oh well, they are soo cute."
"They are."
"We have 5 grandchildren.  We're here on vacation from Tennessee. We just love the city, people are more friendly than we thought they would be."
"That's what I thought when I first moved here too!"
"Alright dear, well you take care"
"You too. Enjoy the rest of your trip"

Grasping at leaves

Grasping those Fall leaves in his hand, he was praying to hold onto Autumn so that Winter would not creep in just yet.

Day 1

The man with the professional camera and the MET bag offered his seat to a woman who said she didn't want it. He took it, looking weary and exhausted.  That day he had captured sites and memories his wife would never be a part of, except for when she looked at the photographs because her fatigue had brought her back to the hotel early, where as he had wearily trudged on through the city.

My daily commute

In some form every day I am a 'commuter' in the city.  I travel from my apartment to work and many other places in the city.  Along the way I come across so many people and so many stories.  This is my way of documenting the daily stories and lives I cross paths with.  Some of these stories are what I have encountered and some of them are inspired stories I think of when I see someone walking or sitting across from me on the subway. Welcome to my daily encounters.